The Challenges Facing the Land Development/Building Industry. . .
“The land development/building industry is dynamic and increasingly challenging. Today, the competition is tougher, the buyer more demanding. Environmental and development regulations are more complex. Margins are often smaller and schedules tighter. On top of it all, companies are doing more with fewer staff personnel, relying on their consultant team to assist them in finding creative and cost effective solutions.”
Created a Need for The Galloway Group . . .
“The Galloway Group was founded because, in today’s business climate, you need more than just a planning firm. You need a team member who understands your development goals and objectives.”
Experienced in Meeting Your Land Use and Site Planning Needs.
“Principal members of The Galloway Group have been assisting developers and builders in the creation and implementation of successful communities for over twenty years. We formed our company to provide experience, creative talent, and technical understanding combined with a focus on the client’s goals. Our services include a comprehensive range of land use and site specific planning services - with one twist. The person who solicits your business will oversee your project - from start to finish. With all the challenges you face today, you deserve nothing less.”
Terry Galloway, AICP, President
The Galloway Group
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