Guidon Partners is a hands-on partnership founded by leaders in health care services. We work alongside management teams and experienced investors as co-investors in growth companies and management buy-outs.
Guidon Partners was founded by individuals who have started companies, completed turnarounds, taken companies public, and in several cases, sold companies to strategic buyers with larger platforms. We bring executive-level operating experience across different sectors of health care services including health plans, government programs, employer-sponsored benefit programs, health IT, physician practice management, acute hospitals and post-acute care. We also have individual track records of launching and building successful companies, closing mergers and acquisitions, strategic marketing, engineering turnarounds and integrations, navigating change, raising capital including IPOs, and delivering returns for shareholders.
How We Work
Invest Own Capital -- Guidon Partners was launched with capital committed by its Founders, and is not affiliated with any one private equity firm. A group of our partners serve as our Investment Committee. Absent any conflicts, each of our partners participate in every investment.
More Than Money -- Every co-investment comes with the active participation of at least one Guidon partner. As a partnership, our goal is to make companies more valuable than they would be without our involvement.
Investment Strategy -- Guidon Partners does not limit itself to one particular stage of investing. Instead, we focus on opportunities where our expertise and guidance can make a difference.
Investment Process -- Guidon Partners is engaged by private equity firms as a co-investor at different stages of the investment process.
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